Monday, December 7, 2009

Home at last!!!!

Well this weekend was our last week out for the rest of December and we had a great weekend to close on. We were in Warrensburg MO with Pastor Jackson and had a great time and enjoyed our fellowship with them very much. We were able to provide the entertainment for their Christmas Banquet on Saturday and then preached Sunday a.m. & p.m. The services were awesome, we had great altar calls in both services, both services were the kind that nobody wanted to leave thanks to God's sweet spirit. We have had a very blessed year and looking to a greater one to come in 2010, but in between we are definitely going to enjoy the holidays and these few weeks off. Have a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year and we will see you down the road!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Little Behind!!!!!

Well I didn't expect to get a whole month and a half behind but I am. We are staying busy thus the reason for running so late and maybe a little bit of procrastination. In the last few weeks we have done much ministry both to adults and children, and God has blessed and we have seen many receive the Holy Ghost for the first time and many refilled! We have traversed the 2 states of IL & MO from the north to south and east to west, thankfully God has kept us safe and we only caught one rock chip on our windshield and one cold the whole time being gone. We are slowing down a little for the rest of November and December due to holidays, family time, etc. We are continuing to look forward to 2010 and wherever the road leads.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Excelsior Springs MO

Once again we were with Bro. & Sis. Menendez in Excelsior and God truly blessed their services! Sunday morning we did a children's service and during the altar call we had one adult receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. That night in the evening service we just preached and God simply exploded onto the scene. The altar call lasted for over an hour and every time you thought it was over it would start back up again and while the altar call was going on we had a young person receive the Holy Ghost for the first time. It was a great weekend and a great time of refreshing for the church, looking forward to being back next year!

Center TX

I would like to begin by saying that we had a great time in Center Texas. We enjoyed very much getting to know Pastor Harris and family and also Bro. Call and family. What a great church and congregation, they really have it going on!!!!!! We were privileged to minister to both their children and adults and thank God for the touch they all received. They had a lot of brand new kids that had never even prayed before and by the end of the week they were praying, repenting and crying tears for the first time! In the Sunday evening service that we preached in we also saw a great move of God and a great altar service with one gentleman receiving the Holy Ghost for the first time. We look forward to going back next year and spending some more time in the Texas District.

Monday, September 14, 2009

IL Dist. Sunday School Seminar & DeKalb IL

I would like to begin by saying we are thankful for the invitation to have been a part of the IL District Sunday School Seminar teaching staff. We had a great time being with friends from all over this great district and God blessed all the sessions. Sometimes things like this are as much a shot in the arm for the instructor as they for the students, always seems like you can hear a new idea or see something from a new perspective. I believe the instructor ought to always be looking to learn as much as the student!
From there we left to go to DeKalb IL and be in Sunday Services with the Pastor Greg Davis. We had a great time and saw both adults and children praying for the first time, it's amazing how adults let their walls down in a children's service. Thankful for God's hand of protection on the road and looking forward to TX this next week!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Doniphan MO

Well this weekend was both a trip for ministry and visiting family. We were able to visit a lot of different relatives over the weekend which we do not get to see that often which was very nice. Also, while in town Bro. Chuck Carr had us preach their Sunday a.m. service and what a great service it was. There was a great spirit of worship from the people and a beautiful spirit of refreshing from the Lord. The altar service was also wonderful as many rejoiced in God's Amazing Grace and a husband and wife sought earnestly for the Holy Ghost. We thank God for family and friends and having the time to be with both.

Poplar Bluff MO

This weekend we were privileged to minister for Bro. Elledge, it was great getting to know them and we had a lot of laughs. Sunday morning we did a children's service for them and had one get the Holy Ghost for the first time, and everyone seemed to love being a kid for awhile. Sunday night we preached and again had a wonderful altar service, folks of ages were renewed and refreshed as God ministered to their spirits and needs alike.

Joplin & Aurora MO

Well I have a lot of catching up to do because we have been on the road a whole lot. August 21-22 we were in Section 6 doing a sectional children's revival for our friend Bro. Hubert and had a great time. They had an attendance of almost 100 kids and we had several receive the gift of the Holy Ghost for the first time and many more refilled. On Sunday we preached for Bro. Lewis and had an awesome move of God that Sunday morning. That evening we did a children's service for him and had several brand new kids in the altar praying for their very first time. It was a great weekend and to top it off we were able to spend time with fellow youth committee members and dear friends, Marty and Lindsey Lewis.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

This past weekend we actually got to stay close to home which was nice for a change. We were privileged to do children's services for our presbyter Bro. Baitinger. We had a great time and as always God blessed both adults and children! They had a lot of first time kids and also several children that had been away for the summer. We thank God for the great number they had and the response of the children. Also, glad to see the Sunday School staff endeavoring to start a puppet ministry, "GO SIS. BECKY!!!!!"

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Chicopee Mass - Crossroads Ministries

We were with Bro. Cicero in Chicopee, Mass this Sunday A.M. & P.M. and what a time we had. Sunday Morning seemed to be a time of strengthening and renewing for the church and had a great altar service. Sunday Evening had a wonderful spirit of worship from the very beginning and it continued to build throughout the service. The altar service ended with a great crescendo as God filled a husband and wife with the Holy Ghost for the first time. We rejoice in the great week God has given us and we and look forward to coming back next year for Mass/RI Jr. Camp and evangelistic services throughout the New England area.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Well here we are back on the road again and having a great time. This week we have been in the New England area. We began in Central Falls, RI preaching for Pastor Chris Axton (my cousin). God moved in a great way in our service and the church was strengthened. Then we moved on to MASS to begin Jr. Camp and what can I say except WOW!!!!! The kids were an incredible group, they were awesome worshipers and ushered in God's spirit every night. Wednesday & Thursday night the campers were on their faces seeking God, in large prayer groups praying for one another for over an hour. Twenty kids came needing the Holy Ghost for the first time and 18 left with it by Thursday night. Also a little 5 yr. old girl came to visit her brother and sister on Thursday night and she received the Holy Ghost also (make that 18 campers and 1 visitor). We wrap up the this week in Chicopee Falls MASS with Bro. Cicero where we are preaching and believing God for great things.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Kentucky & Youth Camp

Well we just ended up a week of traveling and are resting up once again. We began the week in Junction City, Kentucky where we visited family and preached Pentecost Sunday for the Gorley's. The church set a new attendance record and God blessed the service in his usual awesome way. We seen several brand new guest in the altar for the first time and a couple of backsliders prayed back through!

From there we came back to Missouri and went to MO Youth Camp. Our speakers did an outstanding job and just one of the highlights of the week was that over 30 kids received the Holy Ghost for the first time. We had a great time being with fellow committee members and enjoying our last camp with our outgoing Youth President Martin Gantt.

Finally, we left camp early on Friday to come back home and go to Quincy, IL that evening to participate in the "Relay for Life" event. We had been asked to present our puppet ministry there at the relay for the children. Again we had a great time and were thankful to be apart of this awesome event. We say a prayer for all of the individuals and their families that have been touched by cancer. God bless and thanks for checking in.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Inver Grove Heights MN

Well again God blessed our weekend in MN. We had the opportunity to serve as emcee for their church's first puppet extravaganza on Friday night. There was a great turn out from their community and the surrounding churches, it was a huge success for them. Sunday morning we ministered to their whole church through children's ministry. God moved in a wonderful way and one little girl was filled with the Holy Ghost for the first time. Many of the children from their bus ministry experienced the touch of God for their first time and several adult guest were touched also. They are seeing a great move of God through their Sunday School and with their bus ministry.....who said that Sunday School is dead, not me! We ministered Sunday night through preaching and singing and again God moved in the altar service and blessed his people.

Now we are home for a few weeks with a lot of community and church activities to get ready they say "there is no rest for the weary".....can I get an amen somebody. See ya down the road.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Aurora. IL Revival

We had a great children's revival in Aurora, IL. Several new children were praying in the altar and feeling God move on them for the very first time. We are thankful for 3 children that received the Holy Ghost and for several that were refilled. They are a wonderful church body and because of their excellent altar working and love for children God was able to move in a powerful way.

We are back home getting ready for Missouri YC in Kansas City...expecting great things this week for MO Youth!

Friday, April 3, 2009

We are "on the road again" and having a great time. God is awesome! We have recently been in the southern Missouri for an evangelistic weekend. God is doing an awesome work in the Spanish speaking community there and we were honored to minister to these great people!

Our weekend children's revival in St. Peters, MO was great! There were several children in the altar for the very first time praying and being touched by the awesome power of God. There was one little girl who received the Holy Ghost and several refilled. Thank you Jesus!

We are presently in Aurora, IL. We are having a children's revival Wed and Fri-Sun. Our first service, Wednesday evening was amazing! The children and adults alike plugged right in to the presenece of God and did He ever move! There was one young man who received the Holy Ghost and several children seeking the Holy Ghost who were touched by the very hand of God. We are looking forward to the great things God has planned for the rest of this revival.

Thank you for your prayers and for following us as we minister for His glory.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Welcome to Reach-Ministries Blog

Welcome to our newest addition to our website...Reach-Ministries Blog.

We are excited to share with you all the great things God is doing.

Please invite your family and friends to join us here on the blog for our latest entries.

May God bless you is our prayer